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Monday, November 29, 2010

Why Should I buy a house?

Keith Furrow

Why should I buy a house?
So often I hear people ask this question. The answer to this question is so personal that one answer won't fit all. The normal thinking is multiplier of monthly rent and total sales price. Usually 12 months rent divided by the total price of the home and a smaller percentage around 6 or so better too buy and higher percentage like 9% not as good an idea to purchase. Well this is true in most cases it doesn't take in consideration things like being stable, pride of ownership planning for the long term and just wanting to raise your children in a certain school district or close to family, etc. I think that even though purchasing a home is certainlly a business decision, it is much more of a lifestyle choice.
Your Landlord will and should raise the rent as soon as the market will allow but, once you have a fixed mortgage you have a steady payment. You can also pay additional on your home and increase your equity with the plan of someday not having a house payment. In my mind we need to go back to the idea of actually owning home to raise your family not as a get rich quick scheme. I think it is time for a fundamental shift back to the way we used to look at a home purchase. The great news is prices are lower, interests are historically low, and choices are up. At this time a family can make a good long term choice and that may or may not be available in the future.

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